Turkish Yagcibedir Rug

185 x 125cm, 6'0" x 4'1"

    Enveloped in a mesmerizing Persian blue background, the rug's focal point of this exquisite Turkish Yagcibedir Rug is a resplendent red lozenge medallion, serving as a beacon of sophistication. But what truly sets this rug apart is the enchanting town landscape delicately woven around the inner edge of the border. Each thread intricately crafted to depict a charming panorama, transporting you to a serene village scene, where quaint houses and winding streets come to life in vibrant detail.

    This rug is not merely a floor covering; it's a narrative woven with passion and expertise. The rich history embedded in its design speaks volumes about the heritage of Turkish craftsmanship, showcasing the mastery of the artisans who brought this vision to life.

    Whether adorning your living room, adding allure to a bedroom, or elevating a study, this Yagcibedir Rug is more than an accessory; it's a statement piece, infusing any space with cultural richness and unparalleled beauty. Its timeless allure and durable construction ensure it will be cherished for generations to come, a testament to its quality and enduring style.

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