Vintage Egyptian Fragment Rug

219 x 216cm, 7'2" x 7'1"
  • SKU: P723

    The Vintage Egyptian Fragment Rug encapsulates the cultural heritage of ancient Egypt with its exquisite design and craftsmanship. This masterpiece boasts a delicate yet bold floral pattern, intricately woven in vibrant shades of red and green against a rich dark cream backdrop.

    Crafted using traditional techniques passed down through generations, this rug embodies the skill and artistry of Egyptian textile artisans. The floral motifs, reminiscent of the lush botanical landscapes of the Nile Valley, are meticulously rendered with precision and attention to detail, reflecting the reverence for nature in Egyptian art and culture.

    The choice of colours, with the striking contrast between the vivid reds and greens against the subdued cream background, creates a captivating visual harmony that draws the eye and enhances the rug's overall allure. The deep, earthy tones evoke a sense of warmth and sophistication, making it a striking centrepiece in any room.

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