Turkish Hereke Rug

228 x 152cm, 7'5" x 4'11"

    The Turkish Hereke rug stands as a breathtaking tapestry, a testament to the exquisite artistry and cultural heritage woven into its fibres. With a resplendent colour palette that dances between hues of deep Persian blues, creams, and fiery reds, it effortlessly exudes an air of regality and tranquillity. 

    The dominance of these deep Persian blues not only commands attention but also evokes a sense of noble elegance. Their richness is complemented by the expertly blended lustrous grey shades, creating a mesmerising symphony of colours that intertwine with seamless harmony. These masterful strokes of colour grant the rug an unparalleled depth and richness, elevating its visual allure to an extraordinary level.

    At the very heart of this artistic marvel resides a grand decorative medallion, an arresting focal point that draws the eye and holds the gaze captive. This magnificent centrepiece embodies the essence of traditional Turkish design, serving as a proud homage to the rug's storied heritage. Its intricate patterns and motifs echo the grandeur and sophistication inherent in Turkish artistry, narrating a tale of cultural opulence and timeless beauty.

    This Hereke rug encapsulates generations of craftsmanship and expertise, culminating in a piece that transcends mere decoration, becoming a cherished artefact of art and tradition. It is not just a rug; it's a symphony of colours, a tribute to heritage, and a testament to the enduring legacy of Turkish craftsmanship.

    This rug is not real silk, it is silk on a cotton background. This rug is in excellent condition. 

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