Turkish Hereke Rug

340 x 230cm, 11'1" x 7'6"
£2,500.00 £1,980.00

    A woollen Hereke Rug hand knotted in northwest Turkey. The rug features an all-over design of decorative bouquets, with smaller blossom and frond motifs in the borders. Sky blue, rich grey, lilac, peach pink, rich green and cream colours delineate each flower and frond throughout the piece.

    Hereke Rugs are woven in and around the coastal city of Hereke in Turkey, and are known for their detailed and floral designs. These rugs have a history dating back to the mid-19th century at the time of the Ottoman Empire, with their modern counterparts taking inspiration from designs of this time. This rug has been hand knotted by skilled weavers from strong, fine wool, giving a detailed pattern and high levels of durability. It is in excellent condition and has no sign of wear.

    This Turkish Hereke Rug is a highly decorative piece with ornate flower motifs in rich colours. It is a versatile addition to bold contemporary spaces or more pastel traditional decors. The rug is an excellent centrepiece for living rooms, dining rooms and bedrooms. 

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