Persian Tabriz Rug

153 x 100cm, 5'0" x 3'3"

    This Hand-Knotted Persian Tabriz Rug hails from the revered weaving traditions of Northwest Iran. Meticulously crafted by skilled artisans, this exquisite piece embodies the essence of opulence and artistry, seamlessly blending heritage and beauty.

    This magnificent rug showcases a captivating design centred around a grand diamond-shaped medallion that takes centre stage. Within its confines, a symphony of intricate blossom motifs unfurl, each petal and leaf intricately hand-woven with utmost precision. Against a backdrop of rich brown and golden hues, the medallion exudes a regal aura, evoking a sense of sophistication that graces any space with its presence.

    Enveloping the central medallion, the rug's canvas effortlessly extends the story of floral elegance. Blossom motifs elegantly cascade into every corner, weaving a tapestry of nature's splendour that beckons admiration. The borders, a testament to the weaver's mastery, continue this narrative, adorned with a harmonious interplay of cream, pink, rich red, rich blue, and gold tones. These shades are a symphony of warmth and vibrancy, culminating in a visual masterpiece that enchants and captivates.

    Hand-knotted using the finest wool, this Persian Tabriz Rug showcases not only the meticulous skill of its creators but also the durability and comfort that only authentic, artisanal craftsmanship can provide. With every step, you'll feel the luxurious texture beneath your feet, a tactile reminder of the dedication that went into its creation.

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