Afghan Ziegler Rug

426 x 304cm, 13'11" x 9'11"

    The Afghan Ziegler Rug is a true masterpiece of craftsmanship and artistry, known for its exquisite design and timeless beauty. This particular Ziegler Rug boasts a captivating combination of floral patterns in soft cream and soothing grey tones, creating a harmonious and elegant aesthetic that can effortlessly complement a wide range of interior decor styles.

    The cream and grey hues in this rug lend a sense of tranquillity and sophistication to any space, making it an ideal addition to both traditional and contemporary settings. The cream serves as the canvas for the intricate floral patterns, providing a neutral backdrop that allows the delicate motifs to shine. The use of grey tones in the design adds a subtle depth and contrast, enhancing the visual appeal of the rug.

    The floral patterns on the Afghan Ziegler Rug are a celebration of nature's beauty, with various blooms and foliage meticulously woven into the fabric. These flowers and leaves appear to be in full bloom, creating a sense of vitality and grace. The intricate details and precision of the patterns are a testament to the skill and dedication of the artisans who crafted this rug.

    The Afghan Ziegler Rug is not only a feast for the eyes but also a luxurious tactile experience. Crafted with care and expertise, it features a plush and inviting pile that feels soft underfoot. This makes it an inviting choice for a living room, bedroom, or any space where you want to add warmth and comfort to your decor.

    Whether as a focal point in a room or as an elegant accent piece, the Afghan Ziegler Rug with its cream and grey floral patterns exemplifies the art of rug making and brings a touch of timeless charm to any living space. Its enduring beauty and superior craftsmanship make it a cherished addition to your home, offering not only a floor covering but also a work of art that will be admired for generations to come.

    Rug will be thoroughly cleaned before shipping 

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