Afghan Feraghan Rug

Afghan Feraghan Rug

365 x 275cm, 11'11" x 9'0"
  • SKU: 5255
    A beautifully fine Afghan Feraghan Rug with an eclectic colour palette. It has a soft, luxurious feel with a deep navy ground colour and terracotta, pale blue and gold design features. Contrasted with rugs of the same type, this piece also has palmettes that are similar to Oushak rugs, which can be seen in their non,symmetrical style.The design of this rug is based on Persian Feraghan Rugs, with elements also taken from Persian and Turkish Oushak Rugs and these date back to the 19th century. The motifs are decorative and floral patterns comprised of fronds, flowers and leaves. All of these features have been expertly woven into this Afghan Feraghan, with rich terracotta, sky blue and gold palmettes in the central field standing out against the navy blue ground. The border also uses these colours but with terracotta and gold as the background.The rug is hand knotted with fine Afghan wool, famed for its durability and lustrous sheen, and this also makes the rug very hard,wearing.An ornate and show,stopping work of art, this Feraghan Rug is perfect as a centrepiece in drawing rooms and dining rooms in a period property, sure to add texture and warmth to these spaces.
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