Antique Tekke Engsi Rug

147 x 130cm, 4'9" x 4'3"

    Part of Sir Quintine Blake's Personal Collection

    This antique Tekke Engsi rug originating from the Emirate of Bokhara around 1880 is a striking representation of exquisite craftsmanship and cultural significance. Its geometric pattern, set against a backdrop of deep red, brown, and cream tones, evokes a sense of timeless beauty and sophistication.

    The rug's main body is adorned with a mesmerising array of geometric motifs, meticulously arranged to create a captivating symmetrical pattern. The deep red dominates the field, symbolising passion and vitality, while the interplay of brown and cream infuses warmth and depth into the design, adding layers of visual intrigue.

    However, what distinguishes this Engsi rug is its cream-coloured geometrical border. Framing the central pattern, this border acts as a harmonious contrast, providing a distinct edge that elegantly encapsulates the intricate details within. The cream hues in the border may complement the overall palette or offer a gentle contrast that emphasises the rug's geometric allure.

    Woven with precision and care, the rug showcases the artisan's skill, each knot and thread a testament to the dedication and expertise passed down through generations. Its durable woollen fabric speaks of both quality and endurance, carrying the weight of history and culture within its fibres.

    This Tekke Engsi rug stands not only as a beautiful floor covering but also as a cultural artefact, preserving the artistic legacy and heritage of the Emirate of Bokhara. Its geometric precision, coupled with the rich colour palette and cream geometrical border, presents a visual narrative of artistry and tradition that transcends time.

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