Antique Persian Heriz Rug

400 x 300cm, 13'1" x 9'10"

    This Antique Persian Heriz Rug boasts a striking central medallion rendered in rich shades of blue, cream, and green, set against a vibrant red backdrop. The medallion commands attention with its intricate detailing and balanced composition. Surrounding it is a wide and generous blue border, with intricate floral motif adding to the rug's grandeur and framing the central motif with elegance.

    Throughout the rug's surface, a harmonious blend of geometrical and floral patterns unfolds in hues of green, cream, and blues. These colours contrast beautifully against the red background, allowing the intricate designs to stand out with clarity and depth. Each motif is meticulously woven, reflecting the skilled craftsmanship and artistic finesse characteristic of Persian rugs.

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